Major Fixes:
Click here to view the list of minor fixes included in this release.
DEV-539 - Rename product types to be more user-friendly
The names of several product types have been modified to be more user-friendly and self-explanatory.
The names have been changed in the following ways:
Product has been changed to Item to avoid the redundancy and confusion caused by having a Product Product type.
Discount has been changed to
Coupon so that it is not confused with the newer Discounts feature in the software:
- Package > Item Package
> Event Package
Packages have been split into two distinct product types.
Regular, or "non-schedulable packages," have simply been named Item Packages.
The other type of packages, or "schedulable packages," are now called Event Packages.
This will make the purpose and functionality of each type of package more apparent, and prevent frustrating situations where the wrong package type is selected by mistake. (This could not be modified one the product was created)
Event Packages and Prepaid products have also been moved to a new Advanced Products section, as the use of these product types is more complicated and requires a higher level of familiarity with PCS.
DEV-477 - Change Product Code to Schedule Page Name for events and schedulable packages. Hide for every other product type.
Product Code field serves one real function in Party Center Software, and that function is controlling the name of the
Event or
Event Package displayed on each schedule block when viewing the Schedule Page:
Product Code has been renamed
Schedule Page Name and moved directly below the
Product Name field for
Events and
Event Packages (previously
Schedulable Packages) to make the purpose of this field more self-evident:
The Product Code field has been removed from every other product type, as it has no impact on anything else in the software.
DEV-518 - Hide the Product Code field in the Online Store
The Online Store would previously display the information entered in the
Product Code field next to the Product name:
This has been hidden as it did not truly have a function in the Online Store. The Product Code field has also been hidden for every product type excluding Events and Event Packages (See previous: DEV-447)
DEV-1796 - Remove Serialized Product and Serial Number Regex from the Products
Products previously contained a
Serialized Product toggle and a
Serial Number Regex field:
After some investigation, it was determined that only one facility was correctly using Regex (Regular Expression) formulas in this field. It was also determined that they had not actually used that field for several years.
After speaking directly to the facility, the conclusion was drawn that it was safe to remove these fields and that doing so would prevent customer confusion regarding their purpose and function.
DEV-618 - Hide the Discount Code field
When creating a Discount (not to be confused with the recently renamed Coupon) through Admin > Discounts, the user was previously required to enter a value in a field titled Discount Code:
This field served no real function in the software and led many customers to the false expectation that the software is able to redeem codes.
This has been removed to avoid confusion.
DEV-610 - Remove the Cost field from products
When creating a
Product (now renamed
Item) or
Event through Admin > Products, the user was previously able to enter a value in a field titled
This field served no real function in the software and led many customers to the false expectation that the software runs cost vs price analysis.
This has been removed to avoid confusion.
DEV-605 - Remove Invitations field from event and OBM orders
When booking an
Event or
Schedulable Package (now renamed
Event Package) through the Schedule Page, the user was previously able to enter a value in a field titled
Invitations Requested:
This field served no real function in the software and led many customers to the false expectation that the software sent party invitations.
This has been removed to avoid confusion.
DEV-478 - Remove Bar Code field from events and schedulable packages
Every product type in the software previously contained a
Bar Code field. Entering a bar code in the field would allow the product to be rung up in the Point of Sale with a bar code scanner:
This led to customer confusion, as there was no was to ring up an Event or a Schedulable Package through the Point of Sale.
This field has now been removed from the aforementioned product types to prevent misconceptions about its function.
DEV-1831 - Updating Facility Info sets SEND_EMAIL_FROM_PCS to 0
Modifying Facility Info had the undesired consequence of changing the way email invoices were delivered to customers when booking online.
Emails should always be delivered this way:
Changing Facility Info would cause them to send this way:
Emails sent the second way would often end up in spam folders.
This update fixed the issue by removing the possibility of invoices being sent incorrectly from the software.
DEV-1801 - Update Old Admin Warning Message
The layout of the Admin page was modified last year to be more user-friendly. The option of using the old layout was left in for our customers to make for a smoother transition to using the new layout:
Clicking the link in the image above would take you to the old Admin layout. The following message would display on the old Admin page:
We will soon be removing the option of using the old Admin layout. The message has been modified to warn anyone currently still using the old layout:
DEV-90 - CAD Currency Symbol Needs Language Responsiveness
There were a few small inconsistencies in the way the Product and Category Accrual Report and the Closeout Report displayed for our Canadian customers, depending on whether they set the language to English or French.
When the currency was set to CAD and the language was set to English, the Product and Category Accrual Report displayed the French format:
When the currency was set to CAD and the language was set to French, the Closeout Report displayed the English format:
Now, when the currency is set to CAD and the language is set to English, the Product and Category Accrual Report displays the English format:
Now, when the currency is set to CAD and the language is set to French, the Closeout Report displays the French format:
Minor Fixes:
- DEV-1810 - Accrual Report Prepaid Fix
- DEV-1792 - Add Additional Fields to API Reports (new/executed)
- DEV-1788 - Update Google Analytics Code Spinet
- DEV-455 - Default text for head count emails needs to be updated
- DEV-405 - The PrePaidRequestModel xml saved to Payments.tbPaymentModuleTransactions should include an element/property for OrderID
- DEV-402 - New Prepaid card issuance transactions are being saved to PaymentModuleTransactions table with wrong LocationContextFlag
- DEV-399 - Issuing Prepaid Card from WorldPay EMV succeeds according to the device and data saved to tbPaymentModuleTransactions but not according to the Order
- DEV-394 - WorldPay EMV Prepaid Balance Check does not show Balance and has Embed fields displayed that should be removed
- DEV-325 - Cannot issue Embed card - error: Your credentials have failed to authenticate. Please try again. Code: 40
- DEV-324 - Balance Check and Swipe card not working
- DEV-320 - Performing a balance check on card number 0000188299900846884 returns error "Error processing balance : Could not complete balance check"
- DEV-318 - Performing a balance check using 0000117859900846902 from Payment Acceptance > Manage does not appear to do anything
- DEV-317 - Unable to Issue/Load Embed Card due to "Cannot issue prepaid items until no balance due / owed." even though there is no balance due
- DEV-316 - There are two dollar signs ($$) being displayed in the notification bar for a balance check performed from the Payment Acceptance > Manage link & the notification bar remains onscreen when navigating to POS
- DEV-35 - Prepaid cards for WorldPay EMV transactions are using the wrong Accounting Schema
- DEV-1807 - Internal server error occurs when attempting to create a new Prepaid product
- DEV-1806 - Value, Play Bonus, and Embed Product ID fields return to zero when the user clicks 'Save Changes'
- DEV-1794 - Wording changes for Embed update
- DEV-1793 - Hide "Embed System" field for prepaid products if "Embed Card System (Game Cards)" does not exist in payment acceptance.
- DEV-1783 - On the Edit Product page in management please rename "Purchase Bonus" to "Play Bonus" for consistency
- DEV-1779 - PCS products mapped to inactive Embed products should give a warning in PCS to prevent confusion
- DEV-1778 - The Purchase Bonus field for Prepaid products is no longer saving
- DEV-1088 - Issues when editing or creating a Prepaid Embed product in Terminal
- DEV-1086 - Script error in Terminal when creating a Prepaid product
- DEV-1082 - Value and Purchase Bonus fields for a product mapped to Embed system can be modified in PCS
- DEV-529 - Balance check should display Play Value Balance, Play Bonus Balance and Total Balance (Play Value + Play Bonus)
- DEV-528 - Embed Product Integration
- DEV-436 - Hide Purchase Bonus and Embed Product ID fields when Embed System is set to 'No'