Family Entertainment Center

Sunny Success: Strategies for a Profitable Summer at Your FEC

Discover essential strategies for a profitable summer at your FEC, from forecasting trends to enhancing the guest experience.

With the start of summer come longer days, a more relaxed atmosphere, and for FECs, a prime opportunity to increase revenue.

The following blog is filled with strategies that'll help ensure your FEC basks in the glow of the summer season!

Sunny Success: Strategies for a Profitable Summer at Your FEC

Summer transforms the consumer landscape, bringing with it the promise of relaxation and quality time with loved ones. For FECs, the shift is palpable, as families seek out a variety of activities to make the most of the season. From water play and outdoor games to themed events and interactive experiences, summer consumer needs are as diverse as the activities themselves. Understanding these needs is the first step in crafting an irresistible summer experience.

Forecasting Summer Trends

Data analysis and previous year trends can provide indispensable insights into what consumers are likely to flock to this summer. Weather patterns, school holiday calendars, and local event schedules can all influence FEC visitation. Leverage historical data to forecast when your FEC is likely to experience peak and off-peak times.

Catering to Seasonal Desires

Consumer desires shift with the seasons. During summer, people often yearn for activities that promote wellness, such as physical challenges or serene outdoor experiences. Additionally, the desire for unique social and family-bonding opportunities peaks. Tailoring your offerings to these seasonal desires can significantly increase your appeal.

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Strategies for Optimizing Operations

An efficiently run operation can mean the difference between a smooth summer and a chaotic one. FECs must be agile, ready to scale their operations up or down to meet the demands of the season.

Flexible Operating Hours and Staffing

Adjusting your opening and closing times can capture additional foot traffic. Consider staying open later, particularly on weekends, to cater to families looking for after-hours fun. Similarly, offering part-time or seasonal positions can help you meet increased staffing needs without incurring a year-round cost.

Summer Makeover on a Budget

Refreshing your center's aesthetic for summer can elevate the guest experience. This doesn't have to mean a complete renovation; a strategic splash of color, themed decorations, or seasonal landscaping can breathe new life into your FEC. Get creative with affordable, high-impact changes that embody the spirit of the season.

Leveraging Digital Marketing

Marketing is your megaphone. In the digital age, it's easier than ever to amplify your voice and attract new visitors to your FEC, but with that ease comes competition. Effective digital marketing can be the differentiator that propels your FEC to the front of the summer scene.

Social Media Seasonal Showdown

Social media platforms are the stages where you can showcase your FEC's summer narrative. Share stories, arrange contests, and engage directly with your audience to build excitement. Use high-quality, visually appealing content to stand out and connect with potential visitors on an emotional level.

PCS Social Media Kit & Assistance Program - Blog - CTA

Email Campaigns to Keep Customers Hooked

An engaging email campaign can remind past customers why they loved their FEC experience and keep your center top of mind. Share exclusive summer deals, announce new attractions, and provide valuable content that adds to the summer fun, such as party planning tips or family game night ideas.

Creating Irresistible Summer Packages

Bundling your offerings can create a value proposition that's too good to pass up, spurring guests to make the most of the season at your FEC.

The Bundle of Joy

Summer encourages consumers to make the most of their time, and activity bundles can act like itineraries for a day of fun. Offer combos that span the day, from morning to dinner, or focus on specific activities like water play or indoor adventures. Ensure these bundles offer a clear saving compared to purchasing activities individually.

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Family-Friendly Value Deals

Families are always looking for ways to stretch their entertainment budget. Crafting packages that cater to various family sizes and demographics ensures that everyone can find a deal that works for them. Offer seasonal passes, group rates, or all-inclusive family packs to encourage repeat visits and word-of-mouth referrals.

Enhancing the Guest Experience

Memorable experiences keep customers coming back. Personal touches, unique offerings, and a commitment to exceptional service can turn a day at your FEC into a cherished memory.

Concierge Service with a Smile

A guest's experience begins with the first interaction. Train your staff to deliver excellent customer service. Assisting with planning activities or recommending local attractions can elevate your FEC's status as a community hub.

Innovative Attractions and Upgrades

Excel in the execution of exciting attractions or refreshing existing ones to heighten the summer amusements. Whether it's a new splash area, a themed escape room, or an interactive technology upgrade, the anticipation and buzz around new experiences can be a powerful draw for your FEC.

Measuring Success

How do you know if your Sunny Success strategies are working? Analyzing the right metrics can give you an accurate picture of your FEC's performance and inform your next moves.

Tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Attendance, revenue per guest, and guest demographics are just a few of the KPIs that can illustrate your FEC's summer season trends. Establish clear targets and monitor these KPIs regularly to gauge the effectiveness of your strategies.

Harvesting Feedback for Future Growth

Direct feedback from your guests is a goldmine of actionable data. Implement surveys, suggestion boxes, and social media polls to gather insights on guest satisfaction and ideas for improvement. Use this feedback not just as a report card, but as a roadmap for continuously enhancing your FEC.


Summer is a time of opportunity and change, and these strategies are designed to help FEC owners seize both. By understanding the market, optimizing operations, leveraging digital marketing, creating value packages, enhancing the guest experience, and measuring success, you can ensure a financially fruitful and enjoyable summer at your family entertainment center. 

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