We are working to update the user interface throughout the software to improve visual consistency and to better suit modern browsers and resolutions. The functionality largely remains unchanged.
UI Refresh
You will notice upon logging in that, although the content of the pages remains the same, the look has been updated.

The layout has been kept intact throughout the software. We have kept any changes minor and will be covering them in this article.
Navigation Bar
You will notice that the old header has been replaced by a new universal navigation bar. If you have been using our new Point of Sale, this bar will be familiar to you. The links to each page have not been changed.
If the links do not fit in the navigation bar at your current resolution, the will be moved into a collapsible menu on the left side of the bar.

Click on the three lines to expand the list of links.

Searching for Orders
A search bar will now appear in the header that you may use from any page to locate an order.

Click on the search to open it. The search will display a history of the orders viewed by your user account. Click on the order number to go back to the order, or click on the customer name to view the customer account assigned to an order. Some Point of Sale orders may not have a customer assigned, in which case the field will be blank.

The order type is displayed on the left, and the color corresponds to the order status:
- Green: Open or Quote
- Red: Cancelled
- Yellow: Pending Review
- Grey: Closed
The most recent transaction information for a order will display below if available, and the time the order was created will display to the right.
Opening a Chat with Support
To communicate with our support team during our support hours, click the chat icon to the right of the search.

A the chat will open in a separate popup window, allowing you to navigate around the software without disconnecting.

Help and Notifications

Click on the question mark icon to access help articles and view notifications. The privacy policy and terms of use may also be viewed from here at any time. Knowledge base articles relevant to the page you are viewing will display in the Help section. Any communications will display in the Release Notes section with a red exclamation mark until they have been viewed.

Account Information and Facility Switching
The name corresponding with your user account will display in the right corner.

Click the arrow to expand and view options, or to log out.

If your account exists within multiple facilities and user aliasing has been configured, click on the facility name and number to pull up the list of facilities you may switch to.

In this example the user may click on Arcade City to switch to that facility without logging out and logging in.

If this is a feature you need but have not set up, please reach out to our support team to set up user aliasing for one account at multiple facilities.
If this has not been configured, the facility name and number will be static.
The Schedule Page
The layout of the schedule page has not been changed, but we have added a new party filter for your convenience. To the right of the month filter, you will see a new dropdown labelled Party. The default selection is All parties.

Click on the dropdown to display a list of every party type available in the schedule during the timeframe that you are viewing.

Click on the name of of a party to only display schedule slots that contain that party.
NOTE: A schedule slot may contain multiple parties. The party by which you filter may not be the default for the slot you are viewing, but it will be an option during booking.
Please see our support article on setting up schedule blocks for more information.
The Orders Page
Much like the schedule page, the layout of the orders page is mostly the same with a few exceptions. The order number search has been moved to the top of the page.

You may type an order number directly into this field and click Go to open that order.
You will notice the Filters button to the right. The filters for the orders page have been moved to a collapsible menu on the right side of the screen. Click on Filters to open this menu.

The options have not been modified and these filters function as they did before, allowing you to narrow down which orders are displaying on the page.
Payment IP Address Information
We have added the IP address information for credit card ecommerce payments. When a payment is made online for either a party or store order through PC Pay, the IP address of the computer from which the payment was made will display in payment events on the order itself.

NOTE: The IP address information is only available for ecommerce payments made through PC Pay