Release Information
This release include a few bug fixes and improvements to the software. Most of these changes relate to cleaning up a handful of minor things in the new Point of Sale.
We have also included an update to the way the new Point of Sale displays on mobile phone browsers, with the aim being to improve usability at handheld resolutions.
Mobile Point of Sale Layout
We have updated the way the new Point of Sale displays on a mobile phone to make it more user friendly at smaller resolutions. This can only be accessed by viewing the Point of Sale on a mobile phone browser.
The normal layout works well for computer resolutions but did not work well on mobile phone screens:

The new layout will look something like this when you visit the Point of Sale on your phone screen:

Simply tap a product to ring it up. You may swipe up and down to view the product buttons on each screen:

Items that have been rung up may be viewed by expanding the Total section:

Actions that modify products on an order may be taken from here as well, such as modifying quantity:

Tap the arrow on the bottom right to view more options:

You will notice that profile selection and prepaid balance lookup have been moved here.
If you wish to make edits to a profile or screen, you must view the page through a normal web browser on your computer. These screens and sections do not fit in mobile resolutions.
You may ring up products and pay to complete an order from your phone. You will notice that receipt printing is not an option, as this requires the Hardware Link application to be running and this is currently only available for PC. Orders may be completed without receipts, however:

Bug Fixes
The following bug fixes have been included in this release.
Packaged product taxes were not grouped on the invoice
If several products in a package contained the same tax, the invoice was displaying these taxes separately instead of totaling the amount. The totals were still correct but this was using more space than necessary:

This has now been resolved, the taxes of packaged products are properly combined:

Profiles were missing customer loyalty information when viewed through the Point of Sale
Customer loyalty information was not displaying when selecting a customer account to associate with an order in the new Point of Sale:

This was corrected and now customer loyalty displays under the loyalty tab when viewing an account through the Point of Sale:

The cash drawer was failing to pop in the new Point of Sale
There was a issue with the cash drawer in the new Point of Sale that was causing it to occasionally fail to pop after a completed order's final transaction. This has been resolved.
The signature line was missing from Point of Sale receipts
Receipts for credit transactions in the new Point of Sale were missing the signature line.
This has been added and will print on all credit receipts moving forward:

Point of Sale transactions were not associated with their POS stations in the Closeout reports
The Closeout reports were not displaying Point of Sale orders with the POS stations from which they were rung up:

This has been resolved and they will do so moving forward:

Online discount codes were discounting products that should not have been discounted
Users may set products to not allow discounts:

However, when a discount code was used online, this setting was not being taken into account and the product was being discounted regardless.
This has been fixed and products that are set to not allow discounts will be unaffected by discount codes online.