PCS Release Notes

RELEASE 5/22/2019 @ 6:30AM PDT - Email & Payment Fixes, API, UI/UX

Written by Admin | May 22, 2019 12:02:22 AM

General Release Information

This release contains a rewrite of our email system to address several bugs, payment improvements, API updates, and general UI/UX improvements and bug fixes.

Major Fixes:

Click here to view the list of minor fixes included in this release.

DEV-105 - Confirmation/Quote/Invoice Emails Sending Repeatedly

Several facilities reported that PCS was occasionally sending out multiple order confirmation emails to their customers. This could be viewed in the Activity Log of the order:

The decision was made to rebuild much of how PCS handles emails to address this and several other email related issues.

DEV-202 - Store invoice calculates and displays tax that is not factored into total

A facility reported that some of their tax-exempt products were still displaying a sales tax calculation on the customer invoice, although these taxes were correctly not included in the invoice total.

Invoices will no longer calculate a tax for a product for which the tax does not apply.

DEV-93 - Script errors in terminal when opening the activity log and adding a contact log type

Users were encountering the following script error when using the Point of Sale Terminal Application to view the Activity Log:

Users were also encountering the following script error when attempting to add a new Contact Log type through the Point of Sale Terminal application:

These have both been resolved and should no longer be encountered when viewing the Activity Log or creating a new Contact Log type in Terminal.


DEV-1083 - WorldPay Hosted Checkout payments missing in PCS

On what seemed like an infrequent and inconsistent basis, we would receive reports of customers stating that a facility using WorldPay Hosted had charged their credit card, but that the charge would not display in PCS.

We have added significant updates to the way WorldPay Hosted transactions are processed in PCS to prevent this from happening and to provide our development team with better error-logging.

DEV-1087 - Automatic customer invoice emails are not sending

A few facilities reported an issue where customers were not receiving their confirmation emails. This was not an issue with their inbox settings and these emails were not going to the spam folder.

This has been addressed by the rewrite of the way PCS handles emails, and should no longer be an issue. If a customer does not receive a confirmation email, it will be the result of their inbox settings.

DEV-1844 - Embed Gift Cards do not automatically authorize for partial payments

Once facility reported that following our last release, Embed cards would not process if there was not enough value on the card to pay the entire amount.

This has been fixed. If the total balance on the order is greater than the amount on the Embed card being charged, PCS will now charge the amount on the Embed card and apply it to the order.

The remaining balance on the order will still need to be paid after the partial payment is made.

DEV-1845 - Unable to void WorldPay hosted transaction on production

Facilities using WorldPay Hosted for credit processing have the ability to click on a payment through an order's Payment History and void the payment if it has not yet been batched by WorldPay:

Users were encountering the following error when attempting to void:

This has been fixed, WorldPay Hosted payments can once again be voided before they are batched.

DEV-1849 - Payway payments continuing to fail for a customer

One facility was having difficulty getting their payments to process online through their PayWay account.

We worked directly with PayWay to resolve the issue for the facility. The problem was caused by a setting on PayWay's end that had gone unnoticed do to the relatively low number of facilities processing with PayWay.

DEV-1851 - API Link is out of date on facility Info page

Our old API information was found on the Facility Info page in two sections. The first section was located here:

The user would then need to click on the help icon for the rest of the information:

We have added our new API information to the Facility Info page, and have consolidated the old API info into a section labelled Legacy API:

DEV-1880 - Consolidate info for Legacy API to one place

See above, the old API can be found on the Facility Info page.

DEV-1898 - Abandoned order emails are going into Spam folders for some customers

When not caused by a user's inbox settings, this problem was caused by an issue in the way PCS was built to send send emails.

This is another email-related issue that should no longer occur now that the way PCS handles emails has been rebuilt.

If a cancellation email ends up in spam going forward, it will be caused by a user's inbox settings.

DEV-1901 - Change the word "Item" to "Product" on Orders and Order Invoices

Orders and invoices still referred to Products as items in a few places. Since the last update, Item now refers to a type of Product. This has been fixed on orders. These are now correctly labelled Products, which can refer to any type of product (including an item):

This has also been fixed on print and email order invoices:

DEV-1906 - PayWay payments do not capture any payment information (aside from the amount)

Customers using PayWay for credit card processing reported that PCS was not capturing detailed payment information. For example, this order's Payment History displays a PayWay transaction, but it is lacking the customer or card info:

PCS will now capture and display much more payment information for transactions processed through PayWay.

DEV-1929 - The Admin page displays a link to the old deprecated Admin page

The Admin page was still displaying a link to the old, deprecated version of the Admin page:

This has now been removed, and the old page is no longer supported. All links to the old page should now redirect to the new Admin page, which has been in use for over a year.

DEV-1930 - The Signed Waiver column displays "Expired" for customers who have never signed a waiver

If a facility using our waiver system visited the customer page, customers that never signed a waiver would display as if they had signed a waiver and it had since expired:

This is been corrected. Customers that have not signed a waiver will display this way:

DEV-1931 - Old waivers disappear from customer profiles when new waivers are created and the old ones are forced to expire

There was a bug that caused customer profiles to display as if they had not signed a waiver when the waiver that the customer had signed expired:

This has been addressed, all waivers signed by a customer will now be visible under the Waivers tab from the customer's profile:

DEV-1973 - Editing a customer's birthday after they have signed a waiver causes an internal server error

Attempting to modify the birth date of a customer who had already signed a waiver was resulting in an internal server error.

This has been resolved and the error no longer occurs.

DEV-1982 - OBM is not sending Notify or Cancellation emails

Several facilities reported that they were not receiving their notification emails when customers booked parties online.

This has been resolved by the rewrite of how PCS handles emails.

Minor Fixes:

  • DEV-35 - Prepaid cards for WorldPay EMV transactions are using the wrong Accounting Schema
  • DEV-399 - Issuing Prepaid Card from WorldPay EMV succeeds according to the device and data saved to tbPaymentModuleTransactions but not according to the Order
  • DEV-405 - The PrePaidRequestModel xml saved to Payments.tbPaymentModuleTransactions should include an element/property for OrderID
  • DEV-1800 - Theme Deployment
  • DEV-1824 - The SQL behind the Vendor Report needs to be modified for better performance
  • DEV-1827 - Report data range limit
  • DEV-1859 - Tooltip can cause performance issues
  • DEV-1860 - Identity Token Error Causes Customer Interruptions
  • DEV-1861 - Session Interruption - An error has occurred while processing your last request
  • DEV-1887 - Vantiv NonHosted Prepaid - Issuance and Reload transactions are being saved to PaymentModuleTransactions table with wrong LocationContextFlag
  • DEV-1888 - Embed Product mapping throwing exception when no product tax is NOT provided
  • DEV-1897 - The status page would be more useful if it provided info for WorldPay Hosted
  • DEV-1959 - WorldPay Hosted - A second payment attempt can be made before the first one receives a response
  • DEV-1980 - Unable to save facility settings in Staging - internal server error
  • DEV-2033 - Production and Staging handle OBM session timeouts differently
  • DEV-1850 - Critical Marketing Data Not Available From PCS API
  • DEV-1943 - Add Product ID and Product Name To The PCS API Orders Endpoint
  • DEV-2001 - Add Customer Info To API /Order endpoint
  • DEV-2038 - Communication errors on Release when signing a waiver or viewing Facility Text and Labels