Grow Bookings with PCS Marketing Automations
Streamline your marketing efforts with email and social media automation tools. Plus, enjoy unlimited email campaigns with no contact limitations or caps!
Attract new customers and get more bookings with our marketing automation services! Start today!

Here’s how the PCS Marketing Automations will improve branding & grow your biz.
Re-Marketing Tools
Re-market to guests and create repeat customers with our email automation tool. Send reminder emails, promo emails, and more to keep customers coming back!
Increased Engagement
Design and schedule social media posts to promote your business, drive traffic to your website and increase conversions. With hundreds of free templates, you'll grow engagement in no time!
Increased Bookings
A great marketing campaign will help you increase bookings by drawing guests into your world. Clear calls-to-action and detailed package offerings, alongside a strong email and social game are a sure-fire way to grow business.
Gain More Insights
Want better visibility on impressions, clicks, opens, and views? The PCS Marketing Suite provides the metrics you need to make the best marketing decisions and continue to pivot.

Reach your audience on social
Did you know that 76% of consumers buy products seen in social media posts? Drive traffic to your online booking with our social post editor and scheduler tool!
Design graphics (or videos) on your own or using one of our templates. Promote your business, fuel sales, and grow!
Engage with email marketing
With our easy-to-use email editor, you can create beautiful emails to engage your audience and drive traffic to your website (or online booking module!).
Send reminder emails to booked parties, follow-up emails asking for reviews, and re-market to past party-goers. Best of all, we offer UNLIMITED EMAILS for one price. That's right! No contact limitations or caps.
How does PCS Marketing Automations compare to other solutions?
It's simple. We offer the most bang for your buck.
You can spend up to...
If you choose to purchase each marketing tool you need for your business, individually. And that's not counting the costs of a designer or agency to do it for you.
This estimate is based on the cost of popular marketing tools used by business owners around the world.
$100-200/mo for an Automated Email Service
$13-68/mo for a Social Post & Video Creator
$50-100/mo for a Social Media Scheduling Tool
$$$$/mo for a Social Media Assistant, Graphic Designer, or Agency
Only pay...
$100/mo USD
For PCS Marketing Automations, an all-in-one marketing tool for your business with UNLIMITED email campaigns!
We're all about giving you value.
300+ email templates
Unlimited email campaigns. Send up to 1 million emails per month!
Advanced email analytics
Triggered emails (integration with Party Center Software)
Social post designer & video maker
Unlimited social campaigns
Multi-platform social media scheduling & publishing
Social media analytics
Custom forms
Our Customers Love Party Center Software!
“We are opening our first FEC and after my first phone call with PCS, I knew this was the company for us! We are excited to franchise soon and are so thankful we have PCS to help us navigate all the operations for future locations!"

“We have been working with Party Center Software for 6-7 years and couldn't be happier with the platform and customer service! The POS is so easy for our teenage employees to use. Their staff and customer service is wonderful. I highly recommend them for any indoor party and play center!”

“We use them for all of our businesses. The customer service and software platform are amazing. I definitely recommend them!”