Have you ever experienced a party emergency?
What about a power outage or a medical emergency?
Mistakes and emergencies happen from time to time. That's why it is critical that your facility is prepared for anything and everything!
Most of you have all heard the adage, “Plan for the best, prepare for the worst.” Here are four party emergency tips that'll help you and your staff plan and prepare for obstacles that might come your way!
4 Party Emergency Tips to Help Your FEC Save the Day
Let's jump in!
1. Prepare Your Staff
It’s important to make sure your facility is properly staffed with well-trained employees. Your parties will suffer if you are understaffed or if your team members are unsure how to perform certain tasks (especially during an emergency).
Teach your staff to remain calm. Maintaining a calm demeanor will make your guests feel more at ease. Running mock drills with your staff is one of the best ways to be prepared for any scenario.
Practicing team member responses and holding staff meetings regularly will ensure the safety of your staff and customers. Check in with your staff to ensure they are feeling supported.
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2. Prepare Your Facility
It is important for your facility to be properly equipped in case of a power outage or any other health or emergency-related scenario.
In the event of a power outage, it is best to prepare "survival kits." This includes keeping bins stocked with essentials such as cell phone charging cords connected to external batteries, extra batteries, flashlights, and snacks.
Make several cleaning checklists. Particularly tailored to each area of your facility. This contains specifics such as which products should be used on which surfaces and how frequently that particular cleaning should be performed.
Creating a system will allow your team to focus more on offering a fantastic guest experience rather than scrambling around during the party in the event of an emergency or health-related scenario.
3. Put Your Guests First
As the owner or manager of a family entertainment center, one of your biggest priorities should be the safety of your staff and customers.
To further ensure the safety of guests make sure the rules and guidelines are followed when guests visit your attractions. It is appropriate to enforce rules and not allow play if these guidelines are not followed. Whenever it comes to your guests' safety, there is nothing wrong with enforcing rules!
Customers will be more likely to return to your facility if you provide an alternative solution when the power goes out. A backup generator will keep some power on and allow some attractions to operate. Prepare a dedicated area and simple activities to keep guests occupied during a power outage.
4. Have a Backup Plan
If a party emergency occurs, always reassure the guest that you are working to resolve the situation. Guests' frantic questions and concerns will subside if they know someone is managing the matter for them and will fix it as soon as possible.
If your power goes out, your WiFi goes down, or you have any other technical problems, you'll need an alternative option.
If you are unable to access the internet, for example, our Customer Success Managers recommend printing your event schedule from your online booking software every day. Event forms, waivers, cleaning checklists, first aid contents lists, and cleaning kit lists are all forms that FEC owners and operators should consider printing.
In the event of an emergency, one can never be too prepared. Correcting mistakes is something your guests will remember. It'll also encourage them to promote your facility!
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